Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wanted: Better Knees & Functioning ITB

You have no idea how stir crazy I'm going not being able to run.

All those good feelings acquired by the endorphin production of running?  All gone.  Sure, I've been swimming, I've been spinning, but nothing beats a good foot pounding of the gravel trail.

I'm edgy, I'm anxious, I'm nervous.  Coupled with the fact that I'm moving and trying to figure everything out before that happens, I am not very pleasant these days.

My iliotibial band is still bothering me.  I stretch it, I roll it, but it's still sensitive.  I think it's beginning to affect my actual knee and the other muscles surrounding it.  This has gone on too long.

Some days, it doesn't bother me at all.  Some days, it feels sore.  Some days, other parts of my knee bother me.  But dammit, if I'm training for a marathon, this needs to improve soon!

I'm going to attempt to walk the loop around Memorial Park today.  If I can stand it, I might try to run some of it.  I need to know what I'm up against here.  And I'm really tired of "pretending" that I'm training for a marathon here.

The group runs are up to 10 miles now.  I couldn't make the last one, so the last distance I've run was the 10K, at 6.2 miles.  I'm getting nervous.  The further behind I slip in my mileage, the less capable I am in completing that marathon in a healthy way.

It doesn't matter.  This isn't happening.  I'm going to recover.  Mind over matter, and matter will come.

I hope.


ma said...

Don't lose faith! You WILL get there, and you have your teammates to support you!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Fayza, literally. After an IT Band Syndrome flare-up last summer, I still can't run without the sides of my legs feeling as if they're on fire.

Keep rolling and stretching and icing and pain-killing, and most importantly, keep your chin up!