Friday, March 7, 2008

And I'm hangin' on.

In light of the fact that I'm running (read: signed up for, committed to, excited for) a 10K tomorrow, I have been particularly cognizant of my knees.  So yesterday, instead of running, I cross-trained, doing some lifting at the gym (in a class, of course; I really don't know what I'm doing otherwise) to strengthen ye olde quads and such.  Although I wish we'd focused more on the legs, I do think the leg exercises we did were good.  I also did a few quad-strengthening exercises on my own, and my knees feel well.  

I am not going to lie and say that I'm not worried about them with tomorrow's impending run, though.  Especially since I'm going to a concert tonight, and while I am most certainly going to be a good girl and will be in bed by midnight at the very latest, I am going to be standing on my legs all night at the show.  I'm not sure that's a good idea.

At any rate, I'm going to do some yoga this afternoon.  

Strangely enough, I'm less worried about me holding up through 6.2 miles than I am about my knees.  I am sending up a silent request to the God of Running to please, please let me get through tomorrow's run injury-free and comfortably (i.e., I don't want to feel like I have to stop).  I promise not to push it, and I promise to go easy on myself.  Just please don't let me collapse or ruin my body this early on!

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